Saturday, June 9, 2007

let the butt kicking begin

I have started a new treatment plan. I have pushed my oncologist towards a drug that has only been approved for stage IV, so giving it to me is a little "outside the box" for her. I think it's good for her to be pushed a bit.

I started it yesterday. It was a ten hour day for me. TEN HOURS! I had a heart scan in the morning followed by a brain MRI to make sure I'm in good shape for the new drug that could put my heart and brain at risk. Everything looked good- in fact the previous AC treatments didn't seem to damage my heart as expected. My heart test turned out the same as before chemo started. And my brain looked good- no aneurisms. (phew!)

So it was off to the treatments center for me to sit and wait for an hour and a half, as usual. (big eye roll) Then every infusion was dragged out since it was the first time I was getting avastin and taxotere. I was finallyuntapped at 8:15pm. I nearly crawled to the car, I was so tired.

This better start kiicking some major tumor butt. This thing HAS to shrink, or I go under the knife right away. Not ready for that yet...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Feeling blue

I got the results back from my latest MRI. It turns out I am not kicking cancer's butt. I am merely tapping it lightly with a stick- maybe annoying it a bit, but that's all. "No change since April" is what it said. No change. All those treatments. All those lost eyelashes. All the neupogen shots that make me ache like I have the flu. All for nothing.

cancer sucks.