Sunday, April 15, 2007

This is surreal

Every once in awhile, it hits me. Usually I will be doing something fairly normal, like standing in Walgreens looking for a new toothbrush for Joshua that does not involve a superhero and suddenly I realize...I am on CHEMOTHERAPY for CANCER! It sounds so absurd in my head- it almost makes me laugh. How did this happen?

There I was, eight months pregnant, excited for the impending birth of my daughter and happily nesting up a storm then I turned around twice and I was lost in a sea of tears and terrified thoughts of my mortality, forced into an early induction, gathering myself and my new daughter up two days later to visit doctor after doctor to make paramount decisions about my health involving something I had rarely even thought about before.

And now I have toxic substances running through my body to try and kill those stupid cells that snuck into my life and took over. But, Joshua still needs a new toothbrush.

Life is so weird, it's almost funny. They key word here being almost.

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